Many churches today are compromising in order the reach teenagers. Some churches have turned to fog machines, laser lights, dark rooms, and rock music in order to appeal to the younger crowd. We do not believe that this compromise and mimicking of the world is a necessity to reaching young people. We believe that the Word of God and the Holy Spirit still change lives, young and old.
We have a powerful and productive teen ministry. Teen Sunday school classes are used to help young people to deal with issues that they face in their youth. Bible preaching at TBC is geared not only to adults, but also to young people. Many of our young people have continued to live for Jesus into their adulthood because they grasped the truths of the Word of God at a young age.
We have many different activities for teenagers throughout the year, such as: youth rallies, youth camp, bowling, bonfire, fireworks, hay rides, etc. We teach our young people that you don't have to be boring to be a Christian! You can live clean and live for Jesus and still have a good time!
Though we have many "fun" activities throughout the year, our youth group is not built around "fun." Our youth group is built around the Bible and the family. The youth group is not a substitute for a good mom and dad. The youth group works alongside mom and dad to encourage Christian growth in a young person.
We still believe that the Word of God changes lives!
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6