What to Expect...
We have been picking up children on our busses since the early 1980’s. We love children. We have special Sunday school classes for each age group. We have a kid's service known as "Super Church" for kids ages 5 through 12. Our teenagers are on fire for the Lord because of our wonderful youth workers & the youth program. We would love to invite you and/or your children to ride the bus this Sunday. We have a safe, friendly, welcoming atmosphere for all ages!
All you have to do is help your children to get up and get ready to meet our bus on Sunday morning.Second…
Our bus workers will pick your children up at your door. Your children will be served a warm breakfast on the way to church. When the bus arrives at the church, your children will be escorted to their classrooms where nice, competent, trustworthy teachers will receive them.In The Classes
...Your children will be instructed in the basic doctrines of the Bible. They will learn about God and their relationship to Him. Ample time is given for questions from students. The children may participate in quizzes, do workbook materials and become involved in the class room activities.
After Sunday school, children from the age of 5 through the 6th grade will go directly to Super Church. Teenagers will attend the regular church service. In these services, children are taught lessons on their level that will help them to become good people and better Christians. Many character lessons will be taught during this time.

The children are helped back on the bus and driven right back to your door. Along the way, they will play games, win prizes & sing songs. We will get them home safely. The same bus workers will stop by your house every Saturday for just a few minutes to make sure that your child will be riding the bus the following Sunday. If no one is home, they may leave a notice to remind you that the bus is coming by the next day.We realize that there are many “fly by night” churches out there today that promise one thing and deliver another. We are not one of those churches. Our church was established in Wills Point in 1983 and continues to grow. When we say we’ll be there, we’ll be there. Our desire is to see your entire family in church. Sometimes Mom & Dad can’t go due to scheduling conflicts. Sometimes they choose not to go for one reason or another. But….What about your children? Would you please let them ride our bus to church?
Jesus said…“Suffer (allow) little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14